Entrepreneur Owner Operator
Any individual who wishes to acquire shares or buy an existing business in Canada can take this route which grants them a work permit to operate that business. The usual percentage of shares to be acquired for this program is 51%.
When a candidate buy (full or min. 51%) a running business in Canada, they can get Work Permit for the same.
Buying business can cost anywhere between CAD 75,000 – CAD 300,000.
Since 1st April 2021, the process has changed a bit and they have made it stricter. Applicant earlier had to buy a business and file for Work permit/LMIA. Now, first the business has to be advertised and after buying the same, we have to advertise for a local manager to look after the business (3 months) and further we have to apply for LMIA (3 months).
Process Flow:
Key Highlights:
Route to PR
Once an applicant has successfully migrated through ICT, he can later apply for Canadian Permanent residency Visa from inside the country with multiple route such as PNP or FSW.